Basic Policies:
Yearly classes consist of three trimesters of study with eleven classes taught within each trimester. Level placement is based on age and skill. Summer classes and intensives vary each year with information announced by May. Full payment is due before the start of each trimester and “Tuition Due” notices are e-mailed as reminders. If tuition is not received by the trimester’s start, a $15 late fee will be charged per week and the student may not be allowed to participate in class until payment is received. If special circumstances exist, parents must speak with the director one month in advance of the due date to avoid fees. There are no refunds for tuition or performance fees and no deductions or reimbursements for classes not made up.
Parents are required to fill out and sign the Enrollment Form attached to the brochure before a student can participate in classes.
Please make a note if there are any previous injuries or illnesses that the child has suffered along with any allergies or special concerns.
New students are welcomed and accepted on a first-come basis depending on class availability.
Level placement is based on age and skill. There is no registration fee.
Ballet Tuition Fees:
Tuition listed below does not include participation in special studio events such as master classes, workshops, intensives, etc. nor the spring performance. These are determined in advance of each event and e-mailed separately.

Beginner 1: one 45 minute class per week = $205 per trimester
Beginner 2/3: two 45 minute classes per week = $325 per trimester
Intermediate 1: two 55 minute classes per week = $355 per trimester
Intermediate 2: two 75 minute classes (& 60 minutes of pointe/prep) per week = $550 per trimester
Advanced 1 & 2: two 90 minute classes (& 60 minutes of pointe/repertoire) per week = $570 per trimester
Adult Ballet: one 60 minute class per week = $200 per trimester + optional 45 minute stretch class = $50 add-on or $150 for just stretch
Optional: Participation in Intermediate Stretch +$90 per trimester
Optional: Participation in Advanced Stretch +$125 per trimester
Optional: Participation in Ballet Company + $175 per trimester
Optional: Participation in Duncan/Modern +$175 per trimester
Optional: Participation in Intro to Partnering or Advanced Partnering +$175 per trimester
*15% discount off tuition for subsequent siblings.

Classes can only be made up within the same trimester. Students are only allowed to make up at classes at or below their level either in person or online.
Absences and tardies do play a part in a student’s placement in roles for various performances. Commitment to both the studio
and repertoire company within the studio is of vital importance as the dancers must be responsible for a large amount of choreography
and group work that depends on continual interaction between students for both personal stability and safety as well as artistic flow.
Students are encouraged to not miss class unless absolutely necessary and to make up class within the same week of the absence to prevent loss of refined muscle tone that enables them to dance at their optimal level of performance throughout the trimester and prevent injury.
Class Etiquette:
Students must arrive with enough time to prepare themselves for the prompt beginning of class at the designated time. Students must contact the studio in advance of any absences or tardiness and must ask permission if they need to leave class or rehearsal early for any reason. Gum chewing, food, and beverages other than water are not permitted in the ballet studio.
Ballet Class Attire:
Students must have their hair secured in a bun or pulled back from the face if too short to do so. Assigned leotard color must be matched with clean pink tights and pink ballet slippers. All local dance stores have our dress code colors available and can be of assistance in making proper selections. Solid-color, short wrap skirts or ballet shorts are permitted but must match assigned leotard color. Students in advanced levels must also have sewn, wearable pointe shoes at every class. Failure to follow any of these policies will result in the student having to sit out the class period.
Beginner 1: Any Color Leotard
Beginner 2/3: Pastel Blue Leotard
Intermediate 1 & 2: Pastel Pink Leotard
Advanced 1 & 2: Black Leotard
Students must be 10 years old and have studied two or more years. Eligible students will be evaluated by the teacher, and all evaluation decisions are final. Students on pointe must take at least two ballet classes at their level per week to ensure the safe strengthening of their skills for class and repertoire demands.
There are formal observation days built into the end of the fall and spring trimesters of study. There are also several opportunities for observation throughout the year due to the number of performances offered. Parents of the youngest students are permitted to stay and observe for each class as their presence provides stability that helps students explore further out of their comfort zone. There is an observation
window that looks directly into the studio with seating for parents and siblings.